We can perform campaign structure inspections for both public and private organizations. On the basis of the information acquired from these inspections and their contribution to the management system we will be aware of the condition of the conservation structure, and we can then deliver a complete report about the arrangements that will have to be taken in the short, medium or long term as well as the necessary investment.

We can also develop the arrangement and sonic auscultation of structures. Composan Puentes have qualified Inspectors for Bridges and Linear Infrastructures, who are accredited by the Technical Association of Roads (ATC- PIARC).

Gallery of Works

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One of the goals of the inspection and management system is the development of reparation projects, in the case of damaged structures that might compromise their safety or their structural conditions. Composan Puentes y Obra Civil has a technical division able to develop these projects, providing the best solution to identified damages within the present economic framework.


Our hallmark is the execution of the complete project, providing solutions to our customers, taking actions and giving answers, from inspection right through to the end of the project. We cover repair work in civil engineering concrete structures, factory steel structures and in the field of building, we also work in the field of restoration and reconstruction of artistic and cultural monuments.

Factory bridges: This kind of structure has not been modified to adapt to the present needs of traffic, and they are often classified and protected, so it takes too long for the works of conservation and adaptation to be done. We believe that, whatever the situation, the bridges still have to do their job, which is precisely leaving a safe way for vehicles. Therefore it is necessary to reach an agreement which respects the art and heritage values and at the same time​​ guarantees the safety of the road. This is the goal Composan Puentes  aim at in every performed work, using products and solutions appropriated to building materials.

Bridges and concrete structures: Most of the deteriorations are usually due to age, impacts or implementation failures. Composan Puentes works on them, providing solutions that allow the quality required by the European standard EN- 1504 «Products and systems for the repair and protection of concrete structures».

Metallic Bridges:Composan Puentes y Obra Civil can undertake activities which range from maintenance to ensure oxidation removal and reconstruction of pavements, to structural performances such as replacement of damaged areas. These structures can also be affected by deteriorations of other types of structural experience, such as undermines and damage to piers, abutments in the case of older factory bridges and damage to footbridges in the more modern concrete bridges.

Composite bridges: we perform the same activities as described in the bridges above, but we pay more attention to the material we’re working on.

Restorations Carried Gallery

Expansion joints

Double cut and sealed

It is based on the use of monocomponent or bicomponent thermoplastic materials for sealing surface joints; it guarantees good grip to the seal edges and volumetric stability.The movements that might be happening on the sealed joints are limited, because their capability of absorption is based upon the elastic properties of the material with which the filling up is been performed. Therefore, it is an appropriate solution for small structures with a 20 to 40 mm opening, structures with limited range of motion and structureswithlow-intensity traffic (bridges, culverts or bridges with small lights ).

Horizontal range: ± 5 mm

Vertical Range: ± 1 mm

Gallery of Works (double cut and sealed)
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Technical specifications double cut



Amiflex system is a type of bituminous mastic waterproofing. It is cementob tained from the innermix of a fine mineral combination fibre (granulometrically graduate and rich in plaster) and a bituminous binder (asphalt emulsion). The mineral skeleton provides thickness and the required consistency to the mix of fibre and asphalt. The fibres yield a substantial improvement in comportment of the resultant mastic:it creates a reinforcement in the mortar, improves its mechanical behaviour (especially resistance to traction and abrasion when there’s traffic) and increases its flexibility.

It is a system applied at cold temperature,in one piece, seamless, stable at any temperature. It can be applied both on dry surfaces and slightly moistened surfaces, and it’s fully compatible with asphalt. It simple and easy to apply, it doesn’t depend on the irregularity of the deck,it’s able to resist construction vehicles,it shows good adhesion to the top layer of asphalt,it’s flexible and shock absorber.

Gallery of works with Amiflex

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Technical Specifications Amiflex
Technical Specifications Compoprimer

Asphalt with print
impermeabilizacion con lámina asfaltica comosan puentes

The waterproofing systems prefabricated asphalt sheets used in waterproofing systems bridge boards are great uniformity and quality, ensuring the total sealing time of the board. To do this you must meet certain requirements:

Total adhesion between the waterproof membrane , the base support and the protective layer .
Waterproofing system capacity to withstand the dynamic action of the vehicles.
Membrane resistance to the movement of cracks produced bracket .
Compatibility of the membrane with the protective layers .
Resistance of the membrane to spread and compact the road surface .
All these meet the requirements of waterproofing systems prefabricated bituminous or elastomeric sheeting type running Composan Puentes y Obra Civil , consisting of a primer systems , a waterproof membrane (formed by one or more prefabricated asphalt sheets ) and a layer of protection.

If waterproofing is important carters boards, much more so is the rail boards.

Not so much by the damage suffered

structure in the case of a non correct waterproofing (the same as in the previous case), but for the difficulty of re-waterproofing. A road can always divert to temporarily close to traffic a bridge and proceed to the rehabilitation work on it. But in the case in a way

railway, closure of a traffic board is much more complicated.

Being aware of this problem Composan Puentes y Obra Civil requires both the selection of products to use (of great prestige) as a system to apply (the highest guarantee of durability and functionality) is as rigorous and demanding, attending the best options that current technology offers.

Gallery of Works
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Crack Sealing

Firm whose life is running or experiencing premature failures begin to develop fissures within its structure that, over time, reach the surface. When a wheel runs over an existing crack in a firm lower shear stress in the upper asphalt layer, acting continuously due to repetitive traffic loading, it ends up breaking the asphalt is generated, appearing at the surface crack reflection. This crack represents an entry of water and pollutants, causing surface degradation affecting the regularity of the surface (and therefore, comfort and traffic safety) as well as causing a decrease in the carrying capacity of the lower layers , significantly reducing the service life of the pavement.


The cracks in asphalt mixes produced by shrinkage in layers based on hydraulic binders, for insufficient fatigue strong structures for seats in landfills or transverse / longitudinal joints operations originating extended asphalt mixes are sealed by applying heat bituminous mastic based elastomer-modified bitumen COMPOFIX type. With them seal the cracks is achieved, preventing its further development, degradation and transmission to new rolling layers.

Gallery of Works
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What is Rhinophalt ?

Rhinophalt material conservation is a low -cost fortified Gilsonite . It has been shown that surface treatment use as extends the life of the treated surfaces for a significant number of years .

Rhinophalt is especially effective as part of a preventive maintenance regime . Its application in the early years of the paving ensures optimal conservation and reduced maintenance costs results.

What are the benefits of the Rhinophalt ?

Traditional systems of bituminous pavements are one of the biggest costs associated with the road network . Demonstrated ability Rhinophalt to prevent deterioration of this infrastructure significantly extends the life of bituminous pavements , generating social, financial and environmental benefits over conventional methods:

Reduction by 90 % of interruptions in road traffic .
88% reduction of CO2 emissions
Reduction by 50 % of the costs of maintenance .
Rhinophalt every 5 years can be applied onto the bituminous surfacings without affecting the shear strength or texture depth milling is not necessary and the existing pavement. Moreover, as compound impregnated preservation Rhinophalt effectively becomes part of the bituminous material in the pavement , thus eliminating any problems of delamination .


Roads and highways
Runways and taxiways
Docks and harbors
bike lane
pedestrian zones


Supply support

Composan Puentes y Obra Civil offers its customers the following types of support:

Elastomeric side beams
Elastomeric beams with support
Non-slipping elastomeric beams
Slipping elastomeric beams
Supports Type POT
Special Supports

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