Whenever the asphalt is worn off or showing premature failures, it begins to develop cracks within its structure that, over time, reach the surface. When a wheel runs over an existing crack on the pavement, the lower shear stress in the upper asphalt layer,and it ends up breaking the asphalt,in whose surface a reflection crack appears. This crack allows the intrusion of water and waste product,whichcause a surface degradation that affectsthe uniformity of the surface (and therefore, comfort and traffic safety) and causes a decrease in the capacity of the lower layers; this reducessignificantly the life of the pavement.


Cracks on asphalt mixes which are produced byshrinkage in layers based on hydraulic binders,by surfaces’ weariness, by sinking in landfills or by transverse-longitudinal joints produced when spreading asphalt, are sealed with a hot bituminous mastic obtained from an elastomer-modified bitumen COMPOFIX type.This allows the watertightnes and avoids further development of cracks, degradation of the surface and damages to lower layers.

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